

Check out this news Story. It's short, I promise. Lady dials wrong number and the stranger she called on accident decides to give her the help she needed.

A few things strike me about this. First, I wonder what my response would have been... and I wonder how many others with the ability to help would have deleted the message and moved on.... and finally, it kills me that this article is filed under the "News>Weird" section of nbcsandiego.com -- it is foreign for something like this to happen; it is so foreign, so unlikely in fact that it was placed under the "Weird" news section.



I'm frustrated. i'm sick of people's emotional state being determined by their circumstances. i'm sick of people letting those emotions control them. i'm sick of hearing about perception overtaking reality. i'm sick of people making stupid assumptions. i'm sick of immaturity. i'm sick of "christians" living so unlike Christ. i'm sick of people making excuses. i'm sick of people living to please other people. i'm sick of fakes, liars, and hypocrites. i'm sick of hearing about people in need and not hearing about people doing anything about it. i'm sick of hearing all about the "will of the God" and how far the church and its people are from "it." i'm sick of how much of this is true of me.

And I don't want to hear people making excuses. i don't want to hear all the Christianese "answers." I don't want to hear "things will get better" from all those people not doing anything about it.

What I want to hear is that someone is stepping up. What I want to hear is that God is wrecking people's lives. What I want to hear is that love is breaking through the pain.

...what I need to hear is that grace and love are real.
...what I need to hear is that it starts with me.



There has been a political "outcry" over President Obama bowing to Japan's emperor.

President Barack Obama is greeted by Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko upon arrival at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo: Barack Obama talks of green tea icecream as he pushes to strengthen US ties in Asia

Last time I checked - observing cultural traditions, built bridges and encouraged relationships! The criticism is that President Obama is showing America as weak and subservient. What a thought - maybe instead of strong-arming everything in our path, we should do a little more bowing, maybe we should do a little more to humble ourselves and respect others. But that's just me...



I've been playing this game called "Braid." It's incredible. the art, the music, the storyline, the gameplay. It's very enjoyable. Anyway, I just like it so I thought I'd share the video.

Oh, and you're trying to save a princess - so its worth it!