
A Few Thoughts

Here are a few thoughts that i've heard this first week since classes started.

-"is your experience in the world real?"
-"people tend avoid questions that bring tension."
-"i long for a family, a wife and kids i can love and share life with - or if God would desire me to be single forever, i long for a change of heart and contentment."
-"there is meaning in the physical world, now."
-"God created us to be human. Becoming a Christian doesn't destroy our humanity, it fully restores it."
-"its easy for us to feel like we have it all together when everyone around us thinks that we do."
-"After i'm dead and gone, i want to be remembered as someone who resembled Christ, not as myself"
-"for a lot of people, what looks like pride is just overwhelming fear."
-"I don't know what to do right now! I wish someone could just tell me what to think sometimes."
-"I challenge you, no, i dare you to learn as much from people and the life going on around you as you do in the classroom. its really not that difficult."
-"the world, the flesh, and the devil are not held back by higher walls and stronger structures."

-"God is so awesome. He totally rocked my world this summer."

That's enough for now. My prayer for whoever reads this is that you would keep your hears open as life goes on around you - actually hear what people say to you and around you. let it sink in.