
Crisp Air

So I managed to make it to my 7:00am meeting this morning on the Friday before Spring Break starts. It was still pretty dark out as I walked down to the student center. As I passed by the Quad the wind picked up and the crisp cool air came across face, rushing with it the smell of a spring morning. I was instantly back in Johannesburg at the Bed and Breakfast where we stayed in 2008. I was walking in the courtyard back to my room, passing by the pool feeling that same cool air and same smell of morning. It was a great start to the day.

Last night we had our first conference call as interns on Skype. Caitlyn and Ally had a few issues with their mic, or lack their of - but we were soon all talking back and forth. Bush let us know that we would be utilizing Skype for a good portion of our communication as we prepare and I couldn't have been more excited. If you don't know about Skype, its free computer to computer calling with options for chat, voice and video chat. Also, you can make cheap international calls from computer to any phone number. Anyways, getting together like that as a group just makes everything more real! We gave some updates on where we were at in life and preparation, spent some time in prayer and had quite a few laughs! Many of which were aimed at me... I guess its good to know what I'm heading into for the summer! haha.

I'm just excited for what God is doing and wants to do. As we begin to look at support levels and finances for airline tickets we are thankful for the faithfulness of our Lord. And we are hoping support really kicks in as the deadline is less than a week away - March 20th.

Would you join with me on this summer internship?
If so, Don't Hesitate!


A Little Behind

I have been "a little" behind for what feels like months. I've finally got my Support letter for my Mozambique Internship posted so you can download it to the right. If you want more information or have any questions, please email me. Its the google address for this blog - sean.kane@my.bbc.edu - I'd love to hear from you!

I finished reading Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller a couple weeks ago and was most challenged to respect and love those around me. Not for any other reason than the fact that they exist and are human...just as frail and fallible as myself. Its a process. I'm working through Foreign to Familiar by Sarah Lanier with the other interns that are headed to Mozambique this summer. We are looking at the differences between Hot-Climate Cultures and Cold-Climate Cultures and discussing our thoughts online. Its a quick read, and has brought a lot of insight and challenge already. I also recently started A Simple Path by Mother Teresa. ..and then there are the books for classes, but let's not think about them right now.

I'm studying Ephesians 4 with my group for The Church's Ministry class. It has been a blessing to read through the book (almost) daily for the last week and a half. I keep coming back to verses 31 and 32.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

This list of negative attitudes and actions is so all-inclusive.. My thoughts form like this as I read through the list - the bitterness that has had time to fester, the rage and anger that come in an instant, the harsh words that fly out of our mouths before we think, the slander that spews out in a conversation filled with gossip...and just in case you can think of something outside the list... get rid of "all types of evil behavior." So we're to get rid of these things and instead what? Be kind to each other, tenderhearted/compassionate, forgiving one another.. and what's the model for this? Christ's forgiveness of you and me.

I guess as I think through loving people "just because," it would make sense to get stuck on this set of verses. This is how I can love all those around me whether I think they deserve it or not. Whether they have hurt me or not. Whether they smell or not. Whether they believe what I believe or not. Whether they are homosexual or not. Whether they are behaving wrongly towards me or not... None of that matters. What matters is Christ. His love, kindness, compassion and forgiveness. Does that make sense?

What matters is Christ.
What matters is His love.
What matters is His kindness.
What matters is His compassion.
What matters is His forgiveness.
That forgiveness that frees us to truly love others.

So that's where I've been at lately - that's whats floating around in my head. What about yours? My email address is linked above and I'll put it again here. sean.kane@my.bbc.edu
I would love to hear whats going on in your life; what you are reading. hearing. seeing. thinking. questioning.