

As interns we've been working on a piece of our ministry this summer called "Friends of Jesus." We are preparing lessons relating to God's love and His purpose for us as His children. As we continue to talk through these topics and what it looks like to follow Him and be friends of Jesus to one another; I can't help thinking about the friends that I have been so very blessed by these last few months. Far too often I forget that God knows exactly what He's doing and who He's bringing into my life. God made it very clear to me the other day and made sure I saw just how blessed I am by the friends He has surrounded me with. I am praying that I would work hard to stay thankful for these friends and not neglect to show them that thankfulness!

Who has God been placing in your life lately? Are you thankful for their impact on your life? When was the last time you simply said, "thanks?" Why wait any longer?



So I've realized over the last few weeks that I am much more inclined to read blogs than I am to keep up with my own. It's been great to read the blogs I am following, as friends are learning about Him and others are exploring great books like "Crazy Love" and family pictures are posted and frustrations are described. I especially love the major "revelations" that so often come from such trivial things. I enjoy reading blogs.

As for my own blog, and my own life, it has been a month of being behind. As the semester winds down here at school and preparation for Mozambique begins to speed up, I have found myself behind in more areas than I am ahead in. Most of this comes from my own lack of priorities. Whatever circumstances may dictate, I wouldn't be feeling this month long sense of being behind if I'd been on target all along. I am working through where my priorities need to be over these next few weeks and looking forward to the best steps to take toward discipline and better time management. Needless to say, it's a process. I think what I've realized more than anything lately is the need for accountability. I need to be pushed and challenged - as much as I don't like it. And so I appreciate the people in my life who are willing to push me, even if it means dealing with a poor attitude in response. Thanks to you.

As for blogging...I plan on continuing to read many more blog posts than I write, but I will keep the updates coming... Especially to share how God is working with the internship this summer.