

I've been reading Humility: True Greatness by CJ Mahaney for a class that I'm in this semester. We are reading it one chapter per week and have a one page response paper due each Monday. And let me just come right out and say it-This book has been kicking my butt! I am constantly being challenged to get over myself and please Him, giving Him the honor - in every area of my life. First, here is the definition of humility as stated in CJ's book:
"Humility is honestly assessing ourselves in light of God’s holiness and our sinfulness."

As he outlines his ideas on staying humble they all flow from this idea which I think is right on. It is in understanding our brokenness and recognizing His perfection that we are able to keep a right perspective...Here are some excerpts from the response papers I've been writing to give you a glimpse of what my mind has been processing through.

"The truth is so simple: without Him we are nothing. So why would I ever live as though I am significant apart from Him? And yet it frustrates me to even write this because I know how often I don’t live as though that truth is real in my world. I forget His grace, I forget His sacrifice and somehow manage to slink through my day convinced that I am significant and useful of my own accord."

"The antithesis of pride is true servant hood. Serving others for the glory of God as the chapter says. That is what true greatness looks like."

“If I’m ungrateful, I’m arrogant.” I’ve never thought through this phrase before. An ungrateful heart reveals an arrogant attitude. I can’t forget this!"

"We are all on our own paths, our own journeys towards a greater understanding of our Lord and who He is in our lives, as well as how we may better serve Him. Along the way I pray that He will chisel away my pride, continually humbling me to the point of recognition that it is by His grace I am saved and by His strength I live each day. By His breath my life is literally held together."