
My Way is Best

I think I am right a lot. I believe that my way of doing things is best, otherwise why would I do it like that? I like to share what I think is right with others. Why would I want them to do something in a way that isn't best? The type of activity doesn't matter; my knowledge of the subject barely matters...It doesn't take much for me to think that I have found the absolute best way to go about things.
I am being reminded day after day that there are always different opinions, different options, different "right ways," different "best" options. And these differences don't always, in fact they rarely, need improvement... especially from me.

Proverbs 12:15
Fools think their own way is right,
but the wise listen to others.

I am working on being a little less foolish and a little more wise.



This is my first post since arriving in Dondo almost a week ago. It's about 10:30pm and I am ready for bed. I would reach the Word Limit on Blog Spot if I were to relay all the stories that I would already love to share. Today though was the first day us interns sat back and relaxed. I did a few computer related things around the house in Lusalite and that was about it. We spent the day talking and laughing. Eating some candy and popcorn. Simply enjoying each others company.
And as we sat in the living room tonight singing some songs and laughing some more, I began to think about the truly life changing friends that have been in and are in my life. I was thinking about old friendships and how some have faded away while others have grown. I was thinking about the friendships that will last until the Lord calls us home. I was thinking about the friendships that fell flat right from the get go. I was thinking about when my family also became my friends and vice-a-versa. And as I look ahead to the rest of this summer, looking forward to building upon friendships here and back home, I simply want to make the most of what God has put in front of me. This summer...this week...this day.

Bush has opened the last few mornings of our prayer time together with a passage from Numbers and it is what I am praying for my new friends, my old friends, my close friends, and my "not-so-much anymore" friends.
'May the Lord bless you
and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.'


the ever-faithful One

This has been an intense week on many levels. My mind and heart have been all over the place for the things in my own life and the people around me, here's a peek..

It's been a week of:
-excitement and sorrow
-stress and relief
-addiction and freedom
-judgment and love
-tears and smiles
-ambition and laziness
-laughter and hurting words
-hellos and goodbyes
-worry and peace

That is my feeble attempt to describe the roller coaster of emotions I have been through just this past week. As I look at my packed bags, ready to head out for Mozambique tomorrow I am praying that God will take every one of the pieces in this puzzle and mold me with it. I am praying that I will stand strong on the shoulders of Him who has sent me on this journey. I am praying I would be faithful each and every day, thankful for the path He has set me on. And I am so thankful for all of you who have stepped out and joined me on this adventure. No matter what lies ahead for any of us, let's commit to serving a purpose higher than ourselves.